Not only our vitality experts give good advice. So do your colleagues! How did they achieve their vitality goals? Check it out here!


"I paid close attention to my diet and started running 5 km every day before work. Within 2 months I reached my goal!

Peter (Agent), Vitality goal: lose 5 Kilo

"I made a clear schedule with a friend that we agreed with each other that we would not deviate from this. It worked!"

Carla Schmitt, Vitality Goal: Exercise more

"Every Sunday, I do my shopping for the week using a recipe list for the whole week," she says. "This recipe list I created in consultation with a dietician." 

Winnieh de Jager, Vitality Goal: Eat healthier

"I have set clear boundaries towards family and colleagues and through talking to a professional have a better idea of where the symptoms are coming from."

Ankie de Neste , Vitality goal: Less stress

Share your Vitality Goal here!

We are so curious about your tips and experiences. And your colleagues are curious too.

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